Life at OPENLANE: Q&A with Chris Medeiros, Relationship Specialist, AFC
Chris Medeiros has been at AFC for 30 years and is currently a Relationship Specialist at the San Francisco branch. Read more about her journey at AFC in the Q&A below.
What has your journey at AFC looked like?
I worked for ADESA for 12 years. While working with ADESA, I had a few different positions, starting in check-in, on to fleet lease, and ending in accounting. With AFC, I began as a DCR (dealer collection rep- who remembers that title?) many moons ago and was promoted to ABM shortly after starting. Over the years, I’ve been offered a few different positions, but I guess my heart is in San Francisco.
What is something you are most proud of during your time with AFC?
I am most proud of gaining enough knowledge throughout the years about AFC and the business to assist other branches. Whether it be covering branches on-site or via phone. It feels good to help.
What do you like the most about working at AFC?
I really enjoyed the people I’ve worked with over the years and the environment, but of course, I wouldn’t stay if I didn’t love what I do.
What’s a piece of advice for newcomers to the company?
My advice to newcomers would be to embrace change, ask questions, and have FUN. We spend more time at work than at home a lot of the time. Make it an environment you want to work in!